March 7, 14 and 21 at 7:30pm EST, 4:30PST, 2:30HST
March 7 - How to recognize horse communication? What do you look for? Where do you as the communicator come in? Define the foundation to horse communication and trust.
March 14 - How do you take last week's observation and use it with a moving horse? What lines do horses communicate from? Where do you stand to best influence movement? What movement do you want? What lines do horses communicate from?
March 21 - What differences do you see from last week by us taking this to a lunge line instead of round pen? How to adjust to maintain previous pieces? What are the next steps that help progression?
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Series of 3 Zoom Horse Language Classes
This is the base to understanding horse communication. What to look for and what is being said. Watch the progress of working with one horse and seeing the different communcation techniques as well as feedback the horse gives. This will be done while unmounted.
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